“Making Memories”

I have always loved to travel and have been to a lot of places in this big world of ours. My LO has embraced traveling with me and is the best travel companion one could ask for! She never complains, always enjoys herself, loves meeting new people and trying new food.

Learning to really appreciate every moment is a gift of this “new adventure”.  I decided to try and cross off a few “bucket list” items for my LO, before it’s too late. She was a tennis pro for over 25 years and she’ll tell you that tennis saved her life. It was her sanity and grounded her during her “growing up” years.

So I planned a trip to Wimbledon! (July 2015). To her that is sacred ground. (we have already been to the French Open in Paris and kissed the clay there!). It’s not easy or cheap to get tickets to Wimbledon, but when I’m on a mission, nothing (“it’s only money”) gets in my way!

We got tickets to the Women’s semi-finals and Finals. We sat directly across from the Royal Box! The seats were great! (although she would have been happy to sit on “Hinman Hill”!

I loved that I could do that for her.

Things are changing… I don’t know if it’s rapid or slow…. I have no idea.

But while in London, she expressed concern (claustrophobia) that she couldn’t ride in The Tube (subway) or ride in a elevator! We were on the 5th floor of the hotel…. needless to say, we got our exercise and I can “Uber” anywhere!

I also learned that I need to be more attentive. She got lost in Heathrow airport going to the bathroom, which was no farther than 50 feet and around the corner. (that’s the key factor, around the corner). I didn’t go with her because I was engrossed in my phone; 20 minutes go by and I finally realize she’s been gone too long! I begin to get anxious, thinking I need to find security  but if I leave she might come back and I won’t be there! Just as my anxiety is turning to panic, I see her! She is carrying her jacket, (she is always cold), and is exhausted from walking and searching for me. She tells me she got “turned around!” Her solution: “we need to go to the bathroom together”!


3 thoughts on ““Making Memories”

  1. This is usually the first sign. At the time, I didn’t know that he had early stages of Alzheimer’s. This happened to me when I had flown with my Pop’s from DE to Ca. I lost him at the airport. Yes, the entire place was on lock down. I had made jokes about this situation after the incident – But it totally rattled me to death. I was so scared for him and myself. I had to answer to the husband, ” Where’s my Dad? I want to talk to him.” I looked up…. OMG! Where is he? I, too, was talking on the phone. I thought that I couldn’t lose him because I’m right outside the bathroom door. I wasn’t paying attention. Panic mode kicked in. I found myself yelling for his name. When I realized that wasn’t working – I immediately contacted the security guards. ONE HOUR LATER – He’s getting off the elevator with a big smile. He said – Hey, kid, where did you go? You were suppose to stay put. I’m not lost. You’re lost.

    Excuses and denial is the first process!

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